

Serie TV | 2020-2024 | Canada | stagioni 4 | episodi 49 | 42 minuti
La storia di Bashir, un rifugiato della guerra civile siriana che, trasferitosi in Canada, cerca di ricostruire la sua carriera come medico.
Transplant - Poster

Prima visione italiana su Sky Serie.

Cast: Hamza Haq, Laurence Leboeuf, Ayisha Issa, Jim Watson, Torri Higginson e Kenny Wong


Un medico siriano, fuggito dal suo paese devastato dalla guerra, sbarca a Toronto. Dopo un inizio difficile viene assunto in un ospedale della città. 

Info Tecniche

Titolo italiano: Transplant
Titolo originale: Transplant
Numero Stagioni: 4
Numero Episodi: 49
Anno: 2020 - 2024
Nazione: Canada
Durata: 42 minuti in media per episodio
Genere: Medical Drama, Drammatico, Medico
Distribuzione: Sky (Italia), NBC (Stati Uniti)
Lingua: inglese
Formato: Colore

Stagioni e Episodi

Stagione 1

La stagione 1 della serie Transplant si compone di 13 episodi.
Prima visione in Italia su Sky Serie.
Prima visione assoluta su CTV (Canada).

Prima stagione del Medical Drama sul tema dell'immigrazione con Hamza Haq. Un medico siriano fugge in Canada e dopo aver superato molti ostacoli viene assunto in un team ospedaliero.

Stagione 2

La stagione 2 della serie Transplant si compone di 13 episodi.
Prima visione in Italia su Sky Serie.
Prima visione assoluta su NBC (Stati Uniti).

Seconda stagione del Medical Drama ambientato a Toronto che segue le vicende quotidiane del personale medico dello York Memorial Hospital.

Stagione 3

La stagione 3 della serie Transplant si compone di 13 episodi.
Prima visione in Italia su Sky Serie.
Prima visione assoluta su NBC (Stati Uniti).

Bashir "Bash" Hamed continua il suo percorso per ricostruire la sua vita a Montréal, ma con ogni nuovo traguardo arriva una nuova sfida. Bash si trova a dover affrontare le difficoltà burocratiche e personali legate all'ottenimento della cittadinanza canadese, un processo che lo costringe a confrontarsi con il suo passato e a valutare attentamente il suo futuro.

Stagione 4

La stagione 4 della serie Transplant si compone di 10 episodi.
Prima visione assoluta su NBC (Stati Uniti).

Dove vedere

Nota: la disponibilità del titolo sulle piattaforme indicate (con visione free, su abbonamento o acquisto) può variare nel tempo. Verificare sul sito.

Cast Artistico e Tecnico

Cast e Ruoli:



Transplant | S4.E10 | Clip 'Clearing Out The ER'
Transplant | S4.E10 | Clip 'Clearing Out The ER'
Transplant | S4.E10 | Clip 'Don't Tell Me How I Feel'
Transplant | S4.E10 | Clip 'Don't Tell Me How I Feel'
Transplant | S4.E10 | Clip 'What Are You Afraid Of?'
Transplant | S4.E10 | Clip 'What Are You Afraid Of?'
Transplant | S4.E9 | Clip 'The Blame Game'
Transplant | S4.E9 | Clip 'The Blame Game'
Transplant | S4.E9 | Clip 'It Wasn't Your Decision To Make'
Transplant | S4.E9 | Clip 'It Wasn't Your Decision To Make'
Transplant | S4.E9 | Clip 'I Didn't Deserve Her'
Transplant | S4.E9 | Clip 'I Didn't Deserve Her'
Transplant | S4.E8 | Featurette 'Mags' Journey'
Transplant | S4.E8 | Featurette 'Mags' Journey'
Transplant | S4.E8 | Featurette 'Bash And Mags' Love Story'
Transplant | S4.E8 | Featurette 'Bash And Mags' Love Story'
Transplant | S4.E8 | Clip 'I Need To Tell You Something'
Transplant | S4.E8 | Clip 'I Need To Tell You Something'
Transplant | S4.E4 | Clip 'Too Much Of A Good Thing'
Transplant | S4.E4 | Clip 'Too Much Of A Good Thing'
Transplant | S4.E4 | Clip 'Ryan Gets Chewed Out'
Transplant | S4.E4 | Clip 'Ryan Gets Chewed Out'
Transplant | S4.E4 | Clip 'A Non-Apology'
Transplant | S4.E4 | Clip 'A Non-Apology'
Transplant | S4.E3 | Clip 'Superhero Complex'
Transplant | S4.E3 | Clip 'Superhero Complex'
Transplant | S4.E2 | Clip 'Walking Slice Of Toxicity'
Transplant | S4.E2 | Clip 'Walking Slice Of Toxicity'
Transplant | S4.E1 | Clip 'She Needs My Help!'
Transplant | S4.E1 | Clip 'She Needs My Help!'
Transplant | S3 | Trailer
Transplant | S3 | Trailer
Transplant | S2.E13 | Recap 'The Finale And That 'Hi''
Transplant | S2.E13 | Recap 'The Finale And That 'Hi''
Transplant | S2.E13 | Farewell Bishop: Forever Gone?
Transplant | S2.E13 | Farewell Bishop: Forever Gone?
Transplant | S2.E12 | Recap 'Nowhere To Hide'
Transplant | S2.E12 | Recap 'Nowhere To Hide'
Transplant | S2.E11 | Recap 'What's It All Worth?'
Transplant | S2.E11 | Recap 'What's It All Worth?'
Transplant | S2.E10 | Recap 'Anything To Save A Life'
Transplant | S2.E10 | Recap 'Anything To Save A Life'
Transplant | S2.E10 | Featurette 'June And Her Father'
Transplant | S2.E10 | Featurette 'June And Her Father'
Transplant | S2.E9 | Recap 'The Villain You Side With'
Transplant | S2.E9 | Recap 'The Villain You Side With'
Transplant | S2.E8 | Recap 'Saving Baby Oliver'
Transplant | S2.E8 | Recap 'Saving Baby Oliver'
Transplant | S2.E7 | Recap 'The Tipping Point'
Transplant | S2.E7 | Recap 'The Tipping Point'
Transplant | S2.E6 | Recap 'Should Mags Go On A Date With Jake?'
Transplant | S2.E6 | Recap 'Should Mags Go On A Date With Jake?'
Transplant | S2.E6 | Featurette 'Investigating Dylan'
Transplant | S2.E6 | Featurette 'Investigating Dylan'
Transplant | S2.E5 | Recap 'Khaled's Story And The Canadian Dream'
Transplant | S2.E5 | Recap 'Khaled's Story And The Canadian Dream'
Transplant | S2.E5 | Featurette 'Save Thy Neighbour'
Transplant | S2.E5 | Featurette 'Save Thy Neighbour'
Transplant | S2.E4 | Recap 'Mags Defends Herself And Bishop Returns'
Transplant | S2.E4 | Recap 'Mags Defends Herself And Bishop Returns'
Transplant | S2.E3 | Recap 'The M&M Meeting And June's Chief Residency'
Transplant | S2.E3 | Recap 'The M&M Meeting And June's Chief Residency'
Transplant | S2.E2 | Recap 'June's Conflict And Bash's Secret'
Transplant | S2.E2 | Recap 'June's Conflict And Bash's Secret'
Transplant | S2.E1 | Recap 'Bash's Relationship With Rania And Novak'
Transplant | S2.E1 | Recap 'Bash's Relationship With Rania And Novak'
Transplant | S2.E1 | Featurette 'Backstage scena crash bus'
Transplant | S2.E1 | Featurette 'Backstage scena crash bus'
Transplant | S2 | Trailer #2
Transplant | S2 | Trailer #2
Transplant | S2 | Trailer #1
Transplant | S2 | Trailer #1
Transplant | S1.E13 | Clip 'My Numb Is Arm'
Transplant | S1.E13 | Clip 'My Numb Is Arm'
Transplant | S1.E12 | Sneak Peek 'You Need To Face It'
Transplant | S1.E12 | Sneak Peek 'You Need To Face It'
Transplant | S1.E13 | Sneak Peek 'Is Something Wrong With Dr. Bishop?'
Transplant | S1.E13 | Sneak Peek 'Is Something Wrong With Dr. Bishop?'
Transplant | S1.E11 | Sneak Peek 'Even Doctors Need Help'
Transplant | S1.E11 | Sneak Peek 'Even Doctors Need Help'
Transplant | S1.E10 | Sneak Peek 'An Explosion Rocks York Memorial'
Transplant | S1.E10 | Sneak Peek 'An Explosion Rocks York Memorial'
Transplant | S1.E9 | Sneak Peek 'Life Threatening Choices'
Transplant | S1.E9 | Sneak Peek 'Life Threatening Choices'
Transplant | S1 | Speciale 'Il cast di Transplant risponde alle domande dei fan'
Transplant | S1 | Speciale 'Il cast di Transplant risponde alle domande dei fan'
Transplant | S1.E8 | Sneak Peek 'What Happened To Theo?'
Transplant | S1.E8 | Sneak Peek 'What Happened To Theo?'
Transplant | S1.E7 | Sneak Peek 'No Place Like Home'
Transplant | S1.E7 | Sneak Peek 'No Place Like Home'
Transplant | S1.E6 | Clip 'Code Silver'
Transplant | S1.E6 | Clip 'Code Silver'
Transplant | S1.E6 | Clip 'A Case of Gender Reassignment'
Transplant | S1.E6 | Clip 'A Case of Gender Reassignment'
Transplant | S1.E6 | Clip 'I Have This Patient…'
Transplant | S1.E6 | Clip 'I Have This Patient…'
Transplant | S1 | Featurette 'Tour sul set con Hamza Haq'
Transplant | S1 | Featurette 'Tour sul set con Hamza Haq'
Transplant | S1.E6 | Sneak Peek 'Fractured Mind'
Transplant | S1.E6 | Sneak Peek 'Fractured Mind'
Transplant | S1.E5 | Clip 'Planning for Death'
Transplant | S1.E5 | Clip 'Planning for Death'
Transplant | S1.E5 | Clip 'Saying Goodbye'
Transplant | S1.E5 | Clip 'Saying Goodbye'
Transplant | S1 | Featurette 'Anatomia di una scena medica'
Transplant | S1 | Featurette 'Anatomia di una scena medica'
Transplant | S1.E5 | Sneak Peek 'Haunted Eid'
Transplant | S1.E5 | Sneak Peek 'Haunted Eid'
Transplant | S1.E4 | Clip 'Help In A Warzone'
Transplant | S1.E4 | Clip 'Help In A Warzone'
Transplant | S1.E4 | Clip 'A Fatal Slip'
Transplant | S1.E4 | Clip 'A Fatal Slip'
Transplant | S1.E4 | Featurette 'Ayisha Issa's Needlephobia'
Transplant | S1.E4 | Featurette 'Ayisha Issa's Needlephobia'
Transplant | S1.E4 | Sneak Peek 'Enemy Of The State'
Transplant | S1.E4 | Sneak Peek 'Enemy Of The State'
Transplant | S1.E3 | Clip 'Father Knows Best'
Transplant | S1.E3 | Clip 'Father Knows Best'
Transplant | S1.E3 | Clip 'Forgotten Man'
Transplant | S1.E3 | Clip 'Forgotten Man'
Transplant | S1.E3 | Clip 'What Did He Take?'
Transplant | S1.E3 | Clip 'What Did He Take?'
Transplant | S1.E3 | Sneak Peek 'Doctored Papers'
Transplant | S1.E3 | Sneak Peek 'Doctored Papers'
Transplant | S1.E2 | Clip 'Blunt Leblanc'
Transplant | S1.E2 | Clip 'Blunt Leblanc'
Transplant | S1.E2 | Clip 'Guiding Light'
Transplant | S1.E2 | Clip 'Guiding Light'
Transplant | S1.E2 | Clip 'A Father's Struggle'
Transplant | S1.E2 | Clip 'A Father's Struggle'
Transplant | S1.E2 | Clip 'You Were Right'
Transplant | S1.E2 | Clip 'You Were Right'
Transplant | S1.E2 | Clip 'Bash's First Day'
Transplant | S1.E2 | Clip 'Bash's First Day'
Transplant | S1 | Extended Sneak Peek
Transplant | S1 | Extended Sneak Peek
Transplant | S1.E1 | Clip 'The Patients Are Not Your Concern'
Transplant | S1.E1 | Clip 'The Patients Are Not Your Concern'
Transplant | S1.E1 | Clip 'The Truth Comes Out'
Transplant | S1.E1 | Clip 'The Truth Comes Out'
Transplant | Featurette 'Hamza Haq rivela 'Chi è Bash?''
Transplant | Featurette 'Hamza Haq rivela 'Chi è Bash?''
Transplant | Trailer
Transplant | Trailer
Transplant | Featurette 'Dire addio a 'Transplant''
Transplant | Featurette 'Dire addio a 'Transplant''


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Transplant - Poster